Conferences y/o Conversations
On different occasions, we have had the opportunity to be invited and/or a speaker to share our experience and knowledge, within each video you will be able to access the complete conversation.

Poscast - #Innovación con resultados tangibles
El podcast de ¨Destrucción Creativa¨ liderado por Gustavo Orjuela de la Universidad del Rosario es un espacio para compartir sobre emprendimiento, innovación y nuevas tecnologías que busca visibilizar el trabajo y generar cultura al rededor de estos temas a través de la #radio y fuimos invitados :) #LosInvitoaEscucharlo
Applying industries 4 0 with a transition vision of the fifth industrial revolution.
The invitation was made by EcoNova (the open innovation network in Colombia of the Ecopetrol company) to the CDT - Technological Development Center of the UNAL where we participated as speakers. During the conference, topics such as the Summary of the different industrial revolutions and what makes 4.0 technologies so special were discussed. For this, the evolution of the data was identified and how these mixed with the technologies generated the next great revolution that is centralized in the human being, its resilience, adaptability, and protection of the environment. Finally, the most relevant changes facing a transition to the 5th industrial revolution, its benefits, and our preparation to adapt to it, were identified.
Flash Talks 96 | Does more technology generate more competitiveness?
In conversations with Spira Latam, we share experiences on how better use technological tools, improve our mindset, involve middle managers, and create pillars for companies to be more competitive in the use of technology. On the other hand, listening to people and understanding their real needs will allow change management to be easier to navigate and therefore generate value for the organization.
Industrial automation: Increase productivity
In #analisisconpacho we talk about the fact that automating industries is a necessity to increase efficiency, and understanding the opportunities and challenges for companies to implement an industrial robotics strategy is macro since it impacts both the employer and the employee. During the conversation, national and international examples were shared where it was demonstrated that using these technologies increased productivity and business competitiveness.
What is the ladder of success? / In search of happiness
Investep Academy vision is to transform lives through financial education, with investment strategies in options contracts. Investep being the largest academy for Spanish speakers with its CEO Yoel Sardiñas, I was invited to open the live class with a community of more than 8## people where we did a self-reflection of How do we define success? When is enough? What can and cannot money buy? It has been an absolutely enriching experience to be able to share with so many people who are working for their financial independence; The world of investments is a work of perseverance and requires learning, training, constant focus and not giving up; That is the key to true success.
What is happening in the world about new technologies and how we can take advantage of them in LATAM
During the conversation with Francisco Cordoba, an analysis of all the new technologies and our opportunity in LATAM to use them was developed. Among them is How to take advantage of automation where I as a human can provide more value? What are NFTs? What is the Metaverse? And how do I take advantage of this in my business model? Finally, what should be done to not be left out of these changes, and where to educate ourselves to adapt to the changes and take advantage of them? This conversation was given for a training program to Bekeart LATAM through Spira.
Open Innovation in Latin America
Together with Professor Serdar Temiz, from KTH in Stockholm, Sweden, and his DrZeroShow program, a look at how open innovation is in LATAM was shared. In the same way, opportunities to develop relations between Sweden and Colombia on issues of entrepreneurship and innovation were explored. Finally, we took a look at how the mindset impacts the way we innovate, and that stems from the cultural bases that we have of fear of failure.
Innovation ecosystems and what is our opportunity in them?
What are these ecosystems? How do they work? What are they for? What is happening in the world with them and their analysis? was the focus of this masterclass. A zoom on Colombia was included, which allowed us to analyze the 3 most decisive moments in its process of betting on entrepreneurship and innovation in the country. Responding like this for... What is our opportunity in them? Invitation Facultad Ing. sistemas de la UPB Bucaramanga in charge of the Professor. Diana Teresa Gomez Forero